“Like a gold ring in a pig’s snout is a beautiful woman without discretion.”
Proverbs 11:22
Wow, do we need this reminder in our society today? And guess who is created to teach your children this truth? Dad is.
Solomon reminds us, here (from personal experience I have no doubt), that as the gold ring relates to the woman’s beauty, the indiscretion relates to the trash-eating, mud-sleeping, and short-lived reality of a pig’s life. We, as Dads, need to be examples of honor and discernment when it comes to interacting with women. Our daughters need to know and live this truth, and our sons need to see us repelled by this type of woman – and they need to know why!
Praise You, God for the truths & realities of Your words Grant me the memory, the opportunity, and the ability to present this (v.22&16) to my girls tonight. There is so much life in Your Word! Bless my shift today. Please allow this private party to be generous and joyful. Strengthen me to be that for them. Grant my wife rest. Inspire her to give You her burdens, and let You take them away. Inspire my JEWEL to enjoy Your life-giving word. Boost CAP‘s desire to obey and diligently order his life. Heal my GEM‘s mind, body, & spirit. These things I pray, in Jesus’ Name, amen.