“A man who is kind benefits himself, but a cruel man hurts himself.” Proverbs 11:17

“The courage to give away something that you have, to meet someone else’s need, expecting nothing in return.”
Kindness has two edges to its gentle blade. It benefits the person who receives the giving, and it also brings blessing to the person who has given it. These blades can be considered a piercing to a “touching” spot in each soul which begins to bind the souls together. Kindness is indeed attractive. The ultimate expression of this is how God’s loving kindness leads us to repentance (a deeper, right, relationship with Him).
Lord God, You are as gentle as the snow, and cover my ‘world’ in the same way… a peace and a beauty that I love. Do that. Bless my shift in ways I cannot imagine, and heal my family. Bind us together in You. Let this drive me to emulate Your loving kindness in all that I do, and with all who surround me.