“By the blessing of the upright a city is exalted, but by the mouth of the wicked it is overthrown.” Proverbs 11:11

Blessings are not just for the righteous. A righteous man is blessed abundantly so that his surroundings may feel it too. This is true in the family as well. A man’s family being his “City,” is a common thought along the lines of the population that surrounds him. He is intended to care for them much like a superhero protects and cares for those in the city that was invented/written for him. As a king that blesses his kingdom, or the cities therein, with his righteousness, so too a father blesses his family with his character! The opposite side, however, is true as well. Wickedness needs only to be spoken of, and its destructive tendencies begin to take root.
Lord, I am convicted by how many of these talk about the righteous; the upright. I have lived so long “hugging the cliff” and presuming on Your grace. I am ashamed. Forgive me. Like Daniel, You made me to know You from an early age, so use me and strengthen me to live in a way that only You can! Do not let me consider myself more than I am, a wretch, but help me to also remember that You save a wretch like me! Praise You that my foundation is sure. Fill the cracks and make me righteous because of Jesus! “I called out to the Lord, and He heard me; He answered me” – even me, who spit in His face! You ARE good. Thank you for the blessings this week. Bring to us a clarity and conviction of what You have for us. Guide me to be the man my wife needs, and the one that she would like. You have blessed my life so greatly through her. Strengthen me to serve her as the daughter of the king that she is. Bless my time with my daughter today, and let me not neglect my wife and my duties.