Engage! – You Are a Hero (5 of 7)


Do you know the people of Wakanda or Sukovia? How about Starling City or Astro City? What about Gotham City? Have you ever been to any of these places? Of course you haven’t, because they are cities and regions that don’t exist.  These are cities that were created for the express purpose of giving a super hero a city to defend and a people with which to engage.  Many of these cities are modeled after cities comic book readers would know, but they are fictitious in an effort to devote a place and a people to these heroes – or, more aptly, so that these heroes can be devoted to a place and a people.

A comic book hero is known for his city.  If you were to search any of the above names, a superhero’s name would come up within the first three hits.  These heroes go hand in hand with their people; with their city.  In each individual-superhero comic, the primary action takes place with the people of that hero’s city.  Whether the hero is saving an elderly lady from muggers, stopping a (insert given hero’s city) City Bank robbery, or the ever famous helping someone get their cat out of a tree, the hero in the story is engaging with the people of his city.  He’s taking care of them, and they find hope in the presence of their hero.

The superhero is always putting his city’s good above his own.  In fact, much of the drama that takes place in the hero’s world is exactly that: a desire for a “normal life” of simplicity, but in the end making the tough call to put others before himself.  It’s present in our world too, sometimes we speak of it without even knowing it.  Often when we make the tough call it is common place for someone to call our decision heroic.  Putting someone else before yourself, especially to save them, is pretty much the definition of being a hero.  Merriam-Webster says, “supremely noble or self-sacrificing,” and “of a kind that is likely only to be undertaken to save a life.”

So, Mr. Hero, what people and place are you devoted to?  This is somewhat a rhetorical question, but how often do you think of your family this way?  Re-read the above description thinking of yourself as the superhero and your family as his city, his people.

We’ve already discussed that this is who you are, a hero, but do you behave this way with your children? are you devoted to them?  Don’t look at this as an insurmountable responsibility that you must live up to… or… that you can’t live up to.  These words have certain truths, and the reality of your situation, right now, is that you have been given the loyalty to do this.  Now, you may need some time to “grow” into that role, like I did, but the fact remains that you are the hero of your “city.”  Regardless of your past.



Dad… I challenge you to engage with “your people” today! Take care of them, be a part of their lives, make the everyday rescue.  You are their hero, and they long to look up to you, as the little girl who simply needed help when Whiskers got stuck in the tree.  It’s important to them, even when it seems trivial to you.  Take the time to make that “save” too!

You can do it!  Engage with your kids today.