
(“…find out what it means to me” — Aretha Franklin)

Photo by Zach Savinar on Unsplash

Society tries to teach us that respect must be earned, or deserved, before it can be given.
I disagree. Especially when it comes to children.

Most parents would agree that unconditional love is the key to a healthy upbringing, and on paper that sounds like the key… but what does that look like? Is there an element in this concept that can be categorized as unconditional respect?

Your children will not deserve respect. Does that mean that you should disrespect them? Call them out in front of their peers? shame them in front of their heroes?
“…well when you say it like that…”

I heard a radio broadcast that included best selling author, Shaunti Feldhahn, on respect. She mentioned a survey that astounded, though didn’t really surprise, me:
400 american men were surveyed and asked this:

Would you rather:
“…be left alone & abandoned in the world?”
“…be viewed as inadequate & disrespected by everyone?”

75% of the men said they would rather be alone and abandoned!!!

If you desire to be respected, and to feel like you have what it takes, don’t you think that your children (specifically your sons) want that as well?

So, do your best to show them respect, whether they deserve it or not. Oh, and when you fail… take ownership of your mistake, apologize, and build them up appropriately.


Photo by Elijah Hiett on Unsplash

Dad… I challenge you to show respect for your children today. Even though they DON’T deserve it. Find 3 opportunities to build them up, because of “who you believe they are capable of being.” Directly tell your son(s) that he has what it takes to do what is in front of him (and show him). Directly tell your daughter(s) that you love, honor, and delight in her (and show her).

You can do it! Show respect to your kid(s) today!